COP26 closes with “compromise” deal on climate, but it’s not enough, says UN
After expanding the COP26 climate negotiations, around 200 countries met in Glasgow, Scotland, adopted an outcome document that reflects the contradictions, the interests and the state of political will in the world today according to the UN Secretary-General. The UN chief said it is time to go into emergency mode by ending fossil fuel subsidies, putting tax on carbon and delivering $ 100 billion climate finance commitment by protecting vulnerable communities. The Glasgow Climate Pact calls on 197 countries to keep updated their progress towards more climate ambition next year. The outcome also ties up the global agreement to promote climate actions this decade. COP26 brought together around 50,000 participants online and in-person to create innovative ideas, solutions and build partnerships beyond the political negotiations. As the biggest announcement of the conference, leaders from over 120 countries which represent around 90% of the world’s forests agreed to halt and reverse deforestation by 2030.
Climate action can deliver a sustainable future for all: UN deputy chief
During the TED Countdown Summit, UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed said climate action can be conveyed for a green and equitable future for all. She emphasized the need for more funding and commitment with solidarity. She said climate change takes another victim as millions of livelihoods are destroyed with the impact of 90% of dried-up fresh-water basin. The dust storms are coming bigger and earlier each year now. Ecology has been devastating and humans have lost jobs and face hunger and displacement. Achieving the Paris agreement will need to decarbonize the global economy by 2050 by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in this decade. To get there, wealthier nations will require to finance $100 billion annually for climate initiatives in developing countries.
Violence, insecurity and climate change drive 84 million people from their homes
According to new data released by the UNHCR, there are more than 84 million globally who are forcibly displaced due to the effects of climate change and insecurity. Due to UNHCR’s mid-year Trends report which covers the first six months of this year, there was a large number of internal displacements with 82.4 million since December as more people fleeing diverse conflicts around the world, especially in Africa. With conflict and violence around the world, almost 51 million people flee within their own country with the most displacements from Africa. With the effect of COVID19, internal conflict, food insecurity, poverty and climate emergency has led to displacement and most of them are hosted in developing regions.
COP26 Sees Significant Progress on Issues Related to Agriculture
Major progress has been made at COP26 in saving the impact of climate change on the agriculture sector by lowering the sector’s effects on global warming. Climate change causes an increase in rainfall variation, temperature and the frequency of extreme weather events are putting pressures on global food and agriculture systems. It is also leading to resource problems such as soil degradation and water scarcity. Although agriculture is a victim of climate change, it contributes as well. At COP26, governments comprehended that nutrient and soil management practices and the use of nutrients exists at the core of sustainable food production systems, are climate-resilient and can supply global food security. Leaders from different countries agreed on the need to stay working on agriculture under the UNFCCC process to adopt a decision at COP27 in 2022.
Climate change increasing threats in southwest Pacific: WMO report
According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the threats of climate change are increasing in the southwest Pacific with rising sea temperatures and devastating floods and storms. The report shows a snapshot of climate indicators with the impacts and risk on economy, environment and society. It highlights the threats at sea and on land as well. In Southwest Pacific, ocean heat and sea surface temperatures are growing more than three times of global average rate. Pacific islands have been impacted and coastal fishing supports welfare, food, employment and culture. WMO also mentioned that the rise in sea level is having a huge impact on economy, society and ecosystems in Pacific islands and growing vulnerability to storm, coastal flooding and tropical cyclones. Thus, early warning system is a crucial measure for reducing climate impacts and risks.